This is a series of illustrations to go with 14 articles taken from northamerican psychoanalyst Stephen Grosz's best selling book "The Examined Life", comprised of stories based on real cases previously published in The New York Times' Sunday magazine, The Sunday Times.
The articles, summarized versions of some of the books' chapters, were published in Spain for the first time by Spain's leading general information newspaper, El País, in its Sunday magazine El País Semanal. These weekly publications preceeded the launch of the Spanish version of the book, entitled "La Mujer que no quería Amar", which hit the stores on January 16th edited by Editorial Debate.
On October 2013 I was commissioned to illustrate each article based on the story it tells, coming up with my own ideas to conceptualize the narrative and somehow supplement the texts.

Chapter 1: How praise can cause a loss of confidence.

As published in October 20, 2013.

Chapter 2: The gift of pain.

As published in October 27, 2013.

Chapter 3: On secrets.

As published in November 3, 2013.

Chapter 4: On not being in a couple.
As published in November 10, 2013.

Chapter 5: A passion for ignorance.
As published in November 17, 2013.

Chapter 6: On intimacy.

As published in November 24, 2013.

Chapter 7: At home.

As published in December 1, 2013.

Chapter 8: How paranoia can relieve from suffering and prevent a catastrophe.

As published in December 8, 2013.

Chapter 9: On wanting the impossible.

As published in December 15, 2013.

Chapter 10: How lovesickness keeps us from love.

As published in December 22, 2013.

Chapter 11: How a fear of loss can cause us to lose everything.

As published in January 5, 2014.

Chapter 12: The woman who did not want to love.

As published in January 12, 2014.

Chapter 13: On mourning the future. "Ahora vengo" means "Be Right Back".

As published in January 19, 2014.

Chapter 14: Through silence.

As published in January 26, 2014.
The series was closed with an interview with the author, Stephen Grosz, featuring a selection from the 14 illustrations I did for the project. It was published on February 2, 2014.